5 simple ways to look after your wellbeing at home
Even as most businesses in China have resumed normal operations, several countries around the world are moving to remote ways of working to battle the COVID-19 crisis. While employees may now be well acquainted with what this takes, working from home can also present challenges that are difficult to spot at times – such as feelings of isolation and loneliness.
According to Simon Lance, Managing Director of Hays Greater China, this can not only impact performance and productivity, but also be detrimental to mental and physical wellbeing. To prevent this from happening, he sets out five ways that employees can look after their wellbeing while working remotely.
Be a home worker, not a lone worker
According to Simon, communication is key when working from home. “Work out what you need to put in place to enable you to communicate with colleagues, keep it frequent, and try not to use too many different platforms. You’ll mainly be communicating about work, but don’t miss out personal conversations too which usually happen more naturally in the office.”
Talk face-to-face when possible
“Whenever possible, communicate with your colleagues via video”, Simon recommends. “Face-to-face conversations are more engaging than conference calls and will help you feel more connected to your colleagues. Just remember to dress appropriately and keep your background neutral and not distracting to those seeing your screen.”
It’s okay to take a break
“The nature of an office environment can mean you’re more likely to take a break to chat to a colleague or go out and buy lunch. Therefore working at home means you need to be more proactive about taking a few moments off work to give yourself a break”, says Simon.
“Go for a walk outside, make a nice meal or take some time out to chat to a friend on the phone. Short breaks will help you refocus on your work which ultimately supports your productivity and mental health.”
Maintain your physical health
“You’ve probably heard it before, but eat well, sleep well and exercise well”, says Simon. “These are the cornerstones of good physical health and shouldn’t be ignored just because you’re working from home. If you find yourself with more time in the day as a result of not commuting, it’s a good opportunity to do something for your physical health which in turn will boost your productivity and wellbeing.”
Take a moment to reflect
“It’s very rewarding to end your day by reflecting on what you’ve achieved. Recalling these success and highlights on a daily basis will help you maintain a positive outlook on your work.”
Simon ends by reassuring professionals: “Social distancing and remote working may well be the norm around the world for months to come. But while employees in China may have mastered these new ways of working as well as the relevant technologies, mental and physical wellbeing is often lower on the rung of priorities. To prevent going from ‘997’ to ‘007’, make sure you are proactive about looking after your wellbeing. This will help keep your morale high and continue being productive at work during this difficult time.”